Ontario, OR phone icon (541) 889-5411 Hermiston, OR phone icon (541) 567-2345

Serving the Greater Northwest since 1972

contact us

We can be reached by phone, email, or in the office Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. While we try to return all emails and calls promptly, there may be times the professional you are trying to reach may be on a job site, but with a detailed voicemail or email, you can expect a follow-up as soon as they are available. Please direct all billings and administrative questions to our Ontario office at (541) 889-5411 or ck3@ck3llc.net

Send an email :

email icon
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Or stop into one of our offices :

ontario, oregon

368 SW 5th Avenue Ontario, OR 97914
Office: (541)-889-5411
Fax: (541)-889-2074

hermiston, oregon

945 W. Orchard Avenue Hermiston, OR 97838
Office: (541)-567-2345
Fax: (541)-567-2305

We hope to hear from you soon!