Constructed in 2006 this 73,000 sq. foot new elementary school was the major part of a
much-needed facility expansion and improvement bond passed by the community. The project also
included a new high school band building, remodel and expansion of the gymnasium followed by
a remodel of the old elementary school building. This project included T5 high bay fluorescent
fixtures in the gym and the use of 32 W T8 lamps with electronic ballasts elsewhere. Interestingly,
this project also took advantage of the scotopic performance of the 6500 °K lamps but only
after staff visited the upgraded New Plymouth High School to see for themselves what “daylight”
fluorescents were all about. All those who went for the look-see were unanimous in their
This project also took full advantage of available lighting control technology.
Teachers and staff really liked the fact they don't need to concern themselves with light
switches unless they wanted to change one of the three selectable lighting levels. District
management also liked the fact that should anyone be in the building at night interior lights
would be activated providing an added deterrent to any potential school vandals.
Fruitland, Idaho